Fikri Mülkiyet ve Kadın Derneği

Intellectual Property and Women Association-IPLadies


Kadınların fikri mülkiyet hakları alanında bilgi ve farkındalığını geliştirerek, inovasyon ekosistemini kadın fikriyle güçlendirmeyi hedefleyen bir derneğiz.

A neon sign with the words 'Empower Women' in bright blue letters against a dark background. The lettering is surrounded by an artistic design of neon orange loops, adding a decorative touch to the sign.
A neon sign with the words 'Empower Women' in bright blue letters against a dark background. The lettering is surrounded by an artistic design of neon orange loops, adding a decorative touch to the sign.
Fikri Mülkiyet Hakları
A wooden table supports two laptops, each operated by different individuals. A pair of reading glasses and a blue book titled 'Empowered Women Empower Women' rest between them. Smartphones, notebooks, and coffee mugs are also present, contributing to a productive workspace setting.
A wooden table supports two laptops, each operated by different individuals. A pair of reading glasses and a blue book titled 'Empowered Women Empower Women' rest between them. Smartphones, notebooks, and coffee mugs are also present, contributing to a productive workspace setting.

Kadınların yaratıcılığını destekleyerek, fikri mülkiyet ekosistemine katkı sağlamayı hedefliyoruz.

A mural on a building wall depicts a woman with long hair, holding a child. They both have raised fists, symbolizing empowerment and strength. The woman has a flower in her hair and a vibrant shawl with a pattern resembling the American flag. Above them, the word 'EQUALITY' is inscribed within a circular frame.
A mural on a building wall depicts a woman with long hair, holding a child. They both have raised fists, symbolizing empowerment and strength. The woman has a flower in her hair and a vibrant shawl with a pattern resembling the American flag. Above them, the word 'EQUALITY' is inscribed within a circular frame.
person standing on brown wooden floor
person standing on brown wooden floor
a computer generated image of a clock tower
a computer generated image of a clock tower
Ulusal/Uluslararası Ticarette Fikri Mülkiyet

Derneğimiz, kadınların fikri mülkiyet hakları konusunda bilgi ve farkındalığı artırmayı hedeflemektedir. Fikri mülkiyet hakları sayesinde kadınların fikri ürünlerine ekonomik olarak ulusal ve uluslararası ticarette katma değer sağlamayı hedefliyoruz.

A hand holding up a black card with white text that reads 'creativity doesn't need limits.' The background features an out-of-focus building with tall columns.
A hand holding up a black card with white text that reads 'creativity doesn't need limits.' The background features an out-of-focus building with tall columns.

Dijitalleşme ve yapay zeka gibi teknolojik gelişmeler ışığında kadınların fikri katma değerinin destekleyerek, inovasyon alanında önemli katkılar sağlamayı amaçlıyoruz.

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